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   Mississippi First is passionate about empowering Mississippians to elect strong, principled Christian leaders who uphold Biblical values and prioritize faith, family, and freedom. Our mission is to inspire informed and engaged citizens to make their voices heard at the ballot box, shaping a brighter future for Mississippi and beyond. Together, let’s stand firm in our convictions and work to ensure our government reflects the values that matter most to our communities. Thank you for joining us in this important mission!

Why You Should Sign Up?

  • Stay Informed on Key Issues: Receive updates on critical legislative and cultural issues impacting faith, family, and freedom in Mississippi.
  • Engage with the Community: Learn about local events and opportunities to connect with like-minded believers.
  • Make Your Voice Heard: Get actionable steps to influence decision-makers and stand for biblical values in state policies.
  • Exclusive Resources: Gain access to curated content and tools to equip Christians in their daily walk and civic responsibilities.
  • Support Christian Advocacy: Partner with a movement that defends the role of faith in Mississippi's public square.

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